WINNER(S)... I ended up letting my son pick two names :)
Alexis Mikeska
Heather Rice
You will be emailed today to finalize your membership access for CKLA Materials! :)
Thank you all for your participation + stay tuned for more products and freebies!
Hi! We have reached 100 MEMBERS today! YAY! With that I am going to give away a free CKLA Membership to one lucky member! WHAT THIS MEANS: If you already have purchased the membership you will be refunded the membership cost and if you have yet to buy the membership you will be given access to your grade of choice CKLA materials membership for FREE :)
How to ENTER: (super easy)
1. Be or Sign Up as a New Member on the Site (all you need is to fill out sign up form)
2. Comment on this Blog Post What Grade You Teach/Area
Winner will be selected from blog post comments are participation in the giveaway. (1 entry per member)
GIVEAWAY comment entries will end SATURDAY FEBRUARY 8th at 11:00pm EST
WINNER will be announced SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9th at 9:00am EST

{Also Freebies are going to change from public to a member exclusive (all you need is a login to gain access so become a site member today!}
1st Grade ❤ Columbus, OH
First Grade - NC
First grade ELA Skills, love the free materials opportunity!! Your blog and site is so helpful!! Thank you!
First Grade! Louisiana! I love ELA!
Second grade in Louisiana!